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Book A Table


Experience an exceptional culinary journey through Asian cuisine at Indi-Yang.

Before you book, please take a moment to review our restaurant guidelines below. If you have any queries, feel free to call us; we're here to assist you.

**Restaurant Guidelines:**

1. **Age Policy:** Kindly note, our dining experience is tailored for guests aged 8 and above. For celebration events please speak to management via email or phone who will assist with your family booking requirements

2. **Last Orders:** Food orders are accepted until 10 PM, and the restaurant closes at 11 PM.

3. **Allergies or Dietary Requirements:** Inform us of any allergies or specific dietary needs during booking or by calling us. We're committed to accommodating your requirements including halal.

4. **Longer Dining:** Reserve after 8 PM and secure your table until 11 PM.

5. **Minimum Order:** To ensure everyone enjoys a comfortable dining experience, a minimum of one main meal or equivalent per person is required due to limited seating.

We wish you a delightful meal as we deliver long lasting taste memories at Indi-Yang.

We want you to know exactly how our service works and why we need your registration details. Please state that you have read and agree to these terms before you continue.

I agree to the Terms*

We would also like to obtain your consent for being contacted via email to remind you of bookings or orders

I agree to being contacted Terms*